rink / sheet - Curling Basics - curling explained; excellent for beginners

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rink / sheet

The "rink" or "sheet" is a rectangular area of ice, carefully prepared to be as flat and level as possible, 146 to 150 feet (45 to 46 m) in length by 14.5 to 16.5 feet (4.4 to 5.0 m) in width.
The shorter borders of the "sheet" are called the backboards.
Because of the elongated shape, several "sheets" may be laid out side by side in the same arena, allowing multiple games to be played simultaneously.
A target, the "house", is centred on the intersection of the "centre line", drawn lengthwise down the centre of the "sheet" and the "tee line", drawn 16 feet (4.9 m) from, and parallel to, the backboard.
These lines divide the "house" into quarters.
The "house" consists of a centre circle (the "button") and three concentric rings, of diameters 4, 8 and 12 feet, formed by painting or laying coloured vinyl sheet under the ice and are usually distinguished by colour. A "stone" must at least touch the outer ring in order to score, otherwise the rings are merely a visual aid for aiming and judging which "stone" is closer to the "button". Two "hog lines", are drawn 37 feet (11 m) from, and parallel to, the backboard.
The "hacks" are fixed 12 feet (3.7 m) behind each button; a hack  gives the thrower something to push against when making the throw; on  indoor "rinks", there are usually two fixed "hacks", rubber-lined holes, one on each side of the "centre line", with the inside edge no more than 3 inches (76 mm) from the "centre line" and the front edge on the hack line.  
The dimensions of the rink / sheet:
Rink / sheet
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