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Curling is an ice sport
These water droplets are known as "pebble"
A curling game is devided in 10 single game-parts
A game-part is called "end"
In a game two "teams" play against each other
A "team" consist of four players ("lead", "second", "third" and "skip")
Each of the four players has a fixed position to deliver his "stone" ("lead" plays stones 1 and 2; "second" plays stones 3 and 4; "third" plays stones 5 and 6; "skip" plays stones 7 and 8)
Example:"lead" (team yellow) plays stone 1 for his team;then "lead" (team red) plays stone 1 for his team;then "lead" (team yellow) plays stone 2 for his team;then "lead" (team red) plays stone 2 for his team;then "second" (team yellow) plays stone 3 for his team;then "second" (team red) plays stone 3 for his teamand so on ...
After all 16 "stones" (both teams play 8 "stones") are played, the "team" with the stone closest the centre of the house ("tee") "scores" one point, and then "scores" an additional point for each one of their "stones" closer to the "tee" than the closest opposition "stone"
Only one "team" (the "team" with a "stone" closer to the "tee" than a "stone" of the opponent) can "score" in an "end"
Points are shown on a "scoreboard"
If at the end of the game the "score" is tied, "extra ends" are played until a winner is decided
The "stones" are made out of granite and weigh about 20 Kilograms