scoring - Curling Basics - curling explained; excellent for beginners

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The winner is the "team" having the highest number of accumulated points at the completion of 10 "ends".
If at the end of the game the "score" is tied, "extra ends" are played until a winner is decided.
Points are scored at the conclusion of each of these "ends" as follows: when each "team" has thrown its eight "stones", the "team" with the "stone" closest to the "tee" wins that "end"; the winning "team" is then awarded one point for each of its own "stones" lying closer to the "tee" than the opponent's closest "stone".
Only "stones" that are in the "house" are considered in the scoring. A "stone" is in the "house" if it lies within the "twelve foot" (3.7 m) zone or any portion of its edge lies over the edge of the ring. Since the bottom of the stone is rounded, a "stone" just barely in the "house" will not have any actual contact with the ring, which will pass under the rounded edge of the "stone", but it still counts; this type of "stone" is known as a "biter".
If at the end of an "end" no "stone" is in the "house" no team scores in this "end"; this situation is called "blank end".
It may not be obvious to the eye which of two "stones" is closer to the "tee" or if a "stone" is actually biting or not; there are specialized devices to make these determinations, but these cannot be brought out until after an "end" is completed. Therefore, a "team" may make strategic decisions during an "end" based on assumptions of stone position that turn out to be incorrect.
The score is marked on a "scoreboard".
these are the elements of the scoreboard:
situation after playing last stone of end No. 1

team "SWE" scores two points in end No. 1 because two yellow stones lying in the "house" and closer to the centre of the house ("tee") than any of the opponent`s:
situation after playing last stone of end No. 2

team "GER" scores one point in end No. 2 because one red stone lying in the "house" and closer to the centre of the house ("tee") than any of the opponent`s:
situation after playing last stone of end No. 3

team "SWE" scores one point in end No. 3 because one yellow stone lying in the "house" and closer to the centre of the house ("tee") than any of the opponent`s; a portion of this yellow stone is lying over the edge of the "twelve foot" and so it is called a "biter":
situation after playing last stone of end No. 4

this end No. 4 resulting in no score for either team because no stone is in or touching the "house"; this is called a "blank end":
situation after playing last stone of end No. 5

team "GER" scores one point in end No. 5 because one red stone lying in the "house" and closer to the centre of the house ("tee") than any of the opponent`s:
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